Saturday, 29 August 2015


 One of the delights of Sydney in August is the magnolias.
The white ones seem to appear first.

 Quickly followed by the pinks in all their springtime promise.

This post is part of Saturday Snapshot


  1. Gorgeous photos Brona. I love those Sydney blue skies. Our magnolias have just started in the last few days.

  2. I have a magnolia here in the American South, but our flowers are only white. The branches look similar but the leaves are more abundant and glossier.

    Here's my Saturday Snapshot!

    1. I believe that it is the magnolia grandiflora Deb, an evergreen tree. We have those in Australia as well, but these magnolias are deciduous trees and originally from Asian I believe.

  3. Always makes me smile the differences in the seasons between here and Australia. I was amazed at the leaves turning colour when we were there in February.

  4. Gorgeous magnolias! The pink ones are so stunning....thanks for sharing.


  5. I'll never forget the first time I saw a magnolia. We were driving in Mississippi and I made my husband stop so I could find out what kind of tree that was that had those huge white flowers. They were stunning and I was smitten.

  6. LOVE your beautiful close-ups! The last one reminds me of Georgia O'Keefe. We have a white "star" magnolia like the one you pictured, and we look forward to its blooms every spring. I'd love to have a pink one too.
    Thank you for visiting my Saturday Snapshot post.

  7. Magnolias are the first blooming trees in the spring in Missouri. We're a little too far north, though, for them to be fully happy here -- often the flowers get frozen off after just a day or two of blooming.

  8. So pretty! My favourite is the second pink one with the sun streaks. Such an artistic photo :)

    - Linking over from Saturday Snapshots

  9. So so pretty! Love the soft soothing colors.

  10. Beautiful flowers, and your pictures are absolutely gorgeous, Brona! You are such a talented photographer - these just come to life!

    It still blows my mind to think it is the end of summer here and the end of winter there - so weird, right?


    Book By Book


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