Saturday 5 October 2013

International Fleet Review

Sydney loves a party.
So when our navy celebrates 100 years of service you can be sure something will happen.

Only 100 years I hear you ask?

Although our Indigenous population was canoeing around the harbour for hundreds of thousands years and the First Fleet arrived from England in 1788. It wasn't until Federation in 1901 that Australia became an independent nation of the Commonwealth, and therefore eligible to have it's own defence forces. 

The Royal Australian Navy marks its beginnings from Oct 4 1913 
"On 4 October 1913 the flagship, HMAS Australia, led the new Australian Fleet Unit comprising HMA Ships Melbourne, Sydney, Encounter, Warrego, Parramatta and Yarra into Sydney Harbour for the first time to be greeted by thousands of cheering citizens lining the foreshore. This was a moment of great national pride and importance, one recognised as a key indicator of Australia's progress towards national maturity."

This week Sydney has been abuzz with nautical talk.
The highlight of the International Fleet Review events calendar is today. 
A sail by, a fly by, The Governor General and Prince Harry, 100 gun salutes and fireworks!

For now, I've posted a few pics from the sail and fly by this morning.
Happy sailing!

The crowds gathered early on Dawes Point under the southern pylon of the bridge.
 We chose our vantage point with great care - the grassed area above the Opera House with a great view of Circular Quay towards the bridge. It was shady and not too crowded.

The return trip home was by ferry as well.
Days like today remind me why I love living in Sydney so much!

Saturday Snapshot is a now being hosted by Melinda from West Metro Mommy

The rules are simple:

To participate in the Saturday Snapshot meme post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken and leave a direct link to your post in the Mister Linky. Photos can be old or new, and be of any subject as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give in the caption is entirely up to you. Please don’t post random photos that you find online.


  1. Fantastic to see your photos Brona. I wish we had known about it sooner, and we could have adjusted travel plans perhaps to see it. It looks amazing- certainly one of those picture perfect Sydney days. Did you get to see the fireworks too?

    1. Yes, we've just wandered back from the Louisa Rd viewing point in Birchgrove. We couldn't see the light show on the eastern side of the bridge, but the firework finale was a real spectacular!

  2. Beautiful. The blue skies and the water, aw. Wish I was there. Anne@My Head is Full of Books

  3. Wow...these are gorgeous.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Saturday Snapshot

  4. You certainly had a lovely day to celebrate such a wonderful event. Hip Hip Hooray!

  5. What a lovely day. We have had some of this on our news, I think because of Harry being there.

  6. what a fun daytime adventure! and your pictures turned out so lovely! btw, thank you for posting the larger pictures ~ much easier on the eyes! and so beautiful!

  7. Fabulous pictures! It looks like a great event!


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