Saturday 16 February 2013

Saturday Snapshot - Oberon

My husband & I recently travelled to Oberon for a sailing regatta.
Sydney had just had it's hottest day in recorded history.
But our weekend in Oberon (just a 2 hour drive away) featured rain, wind and fog!

Lake Oberon Regatta

The drive home through the Blue Mountains was very atmospheric!
And very un-summery.

Saturday Snapshot is a meme hosted by Alyce at At Home With Books.

The rules are simple:

To participate in the Saturday Snapshot meme post a photo that you (or a friend or family member) have taken and leave a direct link to your post in the Mister Linky. Photos can be old or new, and be of any subject as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give in the caption is entirely up to you. Please don’t post random photos that you find online.


  1. You can always rely on Oberon to be cold! And the mountains to be unpredictable. I was somewhat startled by your sentence about travelling to Oberon for sailing.... That first photo is particularly gorgeous.

    1. Ha ha! When my BIL invited us to the Oberon regatta we were a little unsure too!! But the dam is rather beautiful when full and hosting a flotilla of boats.

  2. Thanks for sharing your beautiful world! I really want to visit some of these places...someday!


  3. Beautiful. Love the peacefulness of these pictures. Thank you.

  4. The first photo with the reflection is just beautiful!!

  5. Gorgeous pics - I love the first one too.

  6. The mountains are lovely to me even if it's not sunny. Where I live it's all flat land and prairies.

  7. Fantastic photos! I think the third is my favorite as it is just so evocative an image. One can't help but wonder where that road leads and I love that spot of yellow on the sign. Any of these would be great writing prompts. I agree with Laurel; I appreciate your sharing your beautiful part of the world. A knock out!

  8. I like the reflection, and the winding road, but they are all beautiful. My Snapshot is at

  9. Looks like a great time in spite of iffy weather♫ Here's my SS:

  10. I love that last shot. What is going to appear out of the mist?

  11. Wow! I love the first and third shots! That curvy road is almost surreal with the backdrop of the hills and fog and I love the greys and whites of the lake shot with that reflection of the tree! Awesome!

    1. I was pretty impressed with how ell these turned out - esp since I took them on my phone!!

  12. They all look so beautiful and eerie! I love rainy summer days.

  13. I love that first shot with the tree reflecting in the water. It may not have been perfect weather for sailing but your photos turned out well. Here's Mine

  14. beautiful shots, i love the reflection on the lake- Book Savvy Babe

  15. Thanks for the virtual tour!! Your photos are just wonderful and your editing overrides any bad weather.


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