Saturday 15 December 2012

Saturday Snapshot 15th December

Last week I visited the Museum of Contemporary Art (Sydney).
I haven't been for ages...years in fact.
However the MCA recently added on a new wing which prompted me to have another look.
An exhibition by Claire Healy & Sean Cordeiro caught my eye.
They love to play around with IKEA furniture and other flat packed goods to create something new.
I loved their reinvented bookshelves 'World Lack' (below).
Check out this link if you'd like to see how they flat packed their house when they renovated!

The rest of the gallery was full of the curious, the odd, the breath-taking and the head-scratching pieces you would expect to see in a modern, contemporary museum!



The highlight of the excursion, though, was lunch!
The MCA created a new rooftop cafe during it's renovations.
The open space now looks out over Circular Quay and Dawes Point.

I'm sure there are better views for lunching than this in the world...
but right now I can't think of any of them!!


  1. That's an interesting post Brona. Great photos. I haven't been for a few years either, I remember seeing the Annie Liebowitz exhibition. I'm going to a party at the rooftop cafe next year- looking forward to it so much. The quay level cafe they had before was great, this looks even better.

  2. Wow these were so interesting to look at --how very unique.

  3. I love those bookshelves....and that last one would be a great view for lunch. Thanks for sharing. Here's MY SATURDAY SNAPSHOT POST

  4. Fantastic view for lunch. I would have lingered there as long as possible. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Beautiful views, I would love to eat lunch there for sure! I think my favorite art picture would be the slippers, that one made me smile :) Thanks for stopping by my Saturday Snapshot Book Savvy Babe

  6. Cool art and I would love to have lunch with that view!

    Joy's Book Blog

  7. Great photos! The Opera House is incredible as always!!

  8. Great view. And modern museums are so fascinating, and sometimes so puzzling as well... thanks for sharing some of the exhibits. I am particularly taken with the cardboard/sharpie piece ;)

  9. What a gorgeous view! I love going to modern art museums. To me part of the fun is watching people's reaction to the art.

  10. What a great day out! I like the flowery shoes.

  11. Ordinary Words...what a great excursion♫♪

  12. Oh - I love that bookshelf. Looks like this was a good visit and the views from your lunch are great. Thanks for sharing


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