On the drive between Cowra & Bathurst, just near the little village of Lyndhurst, is the old Dunlop shed. I've been driving past this shed since 1981 - watching it's slow decay with the passing of time.
I wish I had stopped more often to take a picture over the years.
It was fascinating to see how each letter fell off one at a time.
1983 |
1989 |
2011 |
2014 |
This post is part of Saturday Snapshot & AusReading Month.
What a great series of photos Brona! I rarely drive that road, so haven't seen it, and indeed it's not particularly recognisable now.
ReplyDeleteThe Dunlop shed was always a landmark when we were kids. It felt like the outer boundary of the shire - the point of no return!
DeleteIsn't it funny how we mean to document something like that and then we don't. I like this a lot, Brona. My snap shot has a similar theme. http://brokencookiesdontcount.com/2014/11/01/saturday-snapshotnovember-1/ Thanks for sharing this.
ReplyDeleteI like how you documented it bit at least. Hindsight is 20/20! Makes us remember to take more photos.
ReplyDeleteWonderful series! And what a great example of how we pass things by and don't often notice them....but you have noticed and commemorated them. Great idea!
ReplyDeleteReminds me of an old vintage 7-up sign on the road to my foothill home that fell into more and more of a state of dishevelment with time...and then one day it was gone!
Wow! A real sense of decay and abandonment.
ReplyDeleteYour pictures definitely tell a story. Now I'm going to keep my eyes open for similar situations around me.
ReplyDeleteHere are my Saturday Snapshots.
What an interesting series of pictures.
ReplyDeleteGreat photos - capturing a piece of history.
ReplyDeleteBeen driving past the Dunlop Hay Shed years .. for what ever reason it means lots to me .. I travel the central west in my service roll.. however nothing comes close to this iconic spot .. I was told Cowra Homewood motors has a great picture.. I will drop in and check.. I sent a link to a YouTube video I took 8 years ago .. I used my built Drone to do this .. also a little unknown fact: A two part episode of inspector Morse was shot with him and Lewis having a cup of tea at the Dunlop shed .. have a look.. also the 2 episodes were taken around Cootamondra..